BRIEF: Choose a spot in Stockholm that means something to you. Go there and take in all the colors, shapes and emotions. Create a typographic and personal interpretation of the place.

SOLUTION: Every once or twice a month I go to Danderyds Hospital women’s clinic, and have been for about 3 years. I got there to treat my vaginism, which is a condition in which involuntary muscle spasm interferes with vaginal intercourse or other penetration of the vagina. This often results in pain with attempts at sex. There’s not a lot of research in this area which makes it hard to treat, I mainly go there to talk about my feelings regarding it.

I struggled a bit with what I wanted to say with this project and it was a very special process working with something so personal. After yet another appointment at the hospital, my therapist said that I might always have this condition and feel pain. I was of course very frustrated over this and I felt it was obvious what my project should be about.

Jävla Fitta is my way of letting my anger take up space all over the hospital and the subway nearby. It is my way of screaming and swearing on my body, the patriarch and the fact that there is nothing I can do about my situation.

Jävla Fitta: Fucking Cunt

Låt mig ligga: Let me fuck

Aj!: Ouch!

Fuck: Fuck

I’m a big fan of the analogue way of working so in this process used a lot of scissors and glue stick.



